Debussy Was My Grandfather - Garry O'Connor

Debussy Was My Grandfather - Garry O'Connor

12,00 €

This book contains two plays by Garry O'Connor, 'Debussy Was My Grandfather' and 'The Madness of Vivien Leigh'. A theme common to both is the emotional and psychological turmoil underneath the veil of public careers, with an uncompromising look at the undercurrents: the dysfunction of domestic/family life, in all its anguish and floridity. There's a nicely judged balance between art in its moments of transcendence, and the reality underpinning it, with a flawed humanity put to the service of art. It's a theme O'Connor has explored in a substantial body of work as novelist, biographer, and playwright.

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O Concerto de Gigli - Tom Murphy

10,60 €
O Barrete de Guizos - Luigi Pirandello

O Barrete de Guizos - Luigi Pirandello

11,00 €
O Misantropo - Moliére

O Misantropo - Moliére

8,50 €

Os Antílopes - Henning Mankell

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Fourteen Little Red Huts and Other Plays - Andrei Platonov

15,00 €