Black Skin, White Masks - Frantz Fanon

Black Skin, White Masks - Frantz Fanon

15,00 €

Frantz Fanon's urgent, dynamic critique of the effects of racism on the psyche is a landmark study of the black experience in a white world. Drawing on his own life and his work as a psychoanalyst to explore how colonialism's subjects internalize its prejudices, eventually emulating the 'white masks' of their oppressors, it established Fanon as a revolutionary anti-colonialist thinker.

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Why Vegan? - Peter Singer

Why Vegan? - Peter Singer

9,00 €
Ode a Charles Fourrier (André Breton) E Uma Vida Inteira (Benjamin Péret) - Benjamin Péret, André Breton

Ode a Charles Fourrier (André Breton) E Uma Vida Inteira (Benjamin Péret) - Benjamin Péret, André Breton

12,00 €
Mulheres Livres, Homens Livres - Camille Paglia

Mulheres Livres, Homens Livres - Camille Paglia

18,80 €
An Analysis of Donna Haraway's A Cyborg Manifesto - Rebecca Pohl

An Analysis of Donna Haraway's A Cyborg Manifesto - Rebecca Pohl

12,00 €
A Tough Mind and a Tender Heart - Martin Luther King, Jr.

A Tough Mind and a Tender Heart - Martin Luther King, Jr.

9,00 €